Blog Post #1-Misty Croslin

As I was flipping through the channels on the T.V the other night I happened to briefly come across a news story that caught my eye. It was about a girl, now 18 years old, named Misty Croslin, who is serving time in jail for drug charges.  I googled the girls name so as to find out more about this story.  What I came upon stunned me.  Misty Croslin was the babysitter of 5 year old Hayleigh Cummings, a Putnam County resident who went missing over a year ago.  Misty, the last person to see the girl alive, has failed polygraph tests administered by Putnam County officials,  alluding to the fact that she knows  more about the “kidnapping” than she is letting on.  About a month after the girls disappearance, Misty, then 17 years old, married Hayleigh’s father, Ronald Cummings, then 26, and they divorced less than 7 months later.  This is sketchy to me….who gets married a month after their daughter goes missing? and to a 17 year old at that…?? Misty, her brother Tommy Croslin, as well as Ronald Cummings are all currently in jail for the drug trafficing charges.  After reading all these stories I am left feeling like  there is much more to this story than any of them are letting on and I wouldn’t be surprised if all three of these characters were involved in the little girls disappearance.  Since no body has been found, I will pray for the girls safe return and that her captors are brought to justice.  Below are links to a couple of news stories about Misty Croslin….

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