Washington Post Leads

A) Straight news lead
Educator at juvenile facility in Md. killed

An educator at a state-run juvenile detention center in Prince George’s County was found dead on the facility’s grounds Thursday, and her death is being investigated as a homicide, police said.

B) Anecdotal lead
Need a blessing with that bread?

Somewhere between the produce aisles and Giant’s every-day-fresh bakery, the Rev. Anita Naves is working up a sweat.  She is holding a somewhat surprised shopper’s hand, anointing his forehead with oil and crying out for the Holy Spirit to enter the man’s life and drive out all the worry and doubt.

Nearby, a couple browsing the tomatoes looks on, slack-jawed.  A woman passing by with a bottle of ketchup whispers “Amen.” And overhead, the PA system interrupts the prayer with an equally urgent request for help: “Cleanup on Aisle 3, Curtis, you’re needed on Aisle 3.”

C) Other Lead: Question Lead
Can a few words pull Tiger out of the rough?

Is this any way to handle a scandal?

D) Lead I didn’t Like
Conference of conservatives gets off to a confident start

Emboldened by a belief that their political fortunes are on the rise, conservative activists descended Thursday on the capital city they love to hate, seeking to stoke what they consider a grass-roots uprising against President Obama and Democrates in Congress.
I didn’t like this lead because it seemed rather long and not particularly interesting. I think it included too much description; it was full of “fluff” and didn’t seem very “too the point.”

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